Escape the prison of your mind and then you will be FREE !!!
I am a life long outdoor enthusiast who has Served 15 years in the British Army. I have Rock climbed since being a teenager and i am also a Snowboarder & Cyclist and i am very interested in all things health and wellbeing. During my 15 years in the Army i was a JSRCI (Joint Service Rock Climbing Instructor) and also a Snow and Ice climbing instructor. I gained many military qualification and my main role was to carry out Target Acquisition and Close Observation in different countries and all types of terrains. These days i am totally Anti Military and truly believe that all soldiers world wide should refuse to fight and instead allow the Politicians and their children to lead the way into battle before they instruct normal folk and our children and grandchildren and thats only if its absolutely necessary and only then will the world be at Peace. Greedy Businessman and Governments cause wars and NOT ordinary Human Beings !