in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Since I have received so many comments telling me to do a gofundme while I'm sick I will just say this...under each video is a button saying Thanks. If anyone wants to donate that would be the button to click...I am not asking for assistance but I appreciate any that comes. Thank You. Stay Blessed!
404 - 181
Update: They found my issue today. There is a valve between the stomach and the intestines that controls acid and mine no longer opens so food remains in the stomach and is never being processed by the body by passing through the rest of the digestive track. Fixing this requires 3 to 4 operations overtime in which they will attempt to open a hole in it and expand the hole larger each operation until it allows me to digest food or if that fails a last course of action is to remove the valve entirely. When I am able I will make videos when I am sick I will keep everyone updated. Thanks for all the prayers and kind words. I have the best subscribers anywhere. Stay Blessed!
984 - 179
My doctor just informed me my insurance refuses to pay for my operation so I have to pay cash. Merry Christmas to me!
162 - 62
Update: Tomorrow morning surgeons will once again attempt to figure out what is going on that I can't hold food or even water down without puking. I have lost 29 pounds since this began less than a month ago. Prayers are appreciated. Stay Blessed! I appreciate you all.
738 - 179
Update: While attempting to make a video last week I began puking again and had to return to the hospital. I am once again in the hospital while they run endless tests in an attempt to get this under control. I hope everyone that celebrates Thanksgiving had a great one as mine was spent hooked to an IV. At this time I can't give an indication of when I will be discharged or how soon video production will resume. My apologies for that. Prayers are appreciated! Stay Blessed!
572 - 123
Now that some of this soreness from my operation is gone I'm gonna try to get a new video posted later today.
232 - 18
Update: I am home from the hospital. It wasn't the flu. I had an ulcer that had blocked my stomach from my intestines. They punched a hole thru it so now I am able to eat small meals. I am very sore from the operation but I am no longer puking. Video production will resume in the next few days. Thank You to everyone that sent kind words and prayers. I appreciate you all. Stay Blessed!
732 - 117
New video being released tomorrow. After that I will be going to the hospital due to an ongoing intestinal problem that may require surgery. I apologize for decreased uploads during this time but this is something I have to get treatment for. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring but felt the need to give everyone a heads up. The channel has not been abandoned and videos will resume once I get checked out and feel healthy enough. I appreciate you all. Stay Blessed!
521 - 98
My boss just told me I have to go out of state for the next 2 weeks and help with opening our new branch so I will be pausing video production until I get back. Hopefully at that time I can return to a more frequent posting schedule. Stay Safe and Stay Blessed!
595 - 38
This channel explores what awaits each and every one of us when we pass on to the other side of death. Watch and hear firsthand accounts from people who have had NDE (Near Death Experiences) and have returned to tell their stories.