steam blackknight1112 playstation BlackKnight1112
hi all nice to meet you all I hope everyone is doing ok If you want to play games talk about anime,Garfield,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,Inspector Gadget,super heroes many things are cool list would be long ha if u want to play games or talk can message steam or playstation.:)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: each of the family had a turtle I was Michelangelo still Michelangelo always will be Michelangelo.
Humor:like clean humor
Religon: christian Jesus Christ is my Lord & Savior
Info: I dont care about views or subs I mean I dont really like youtube just doing it for fun ha I just hope everyone enjoys if theres a problem I try to help I dont put annotations in videos so if see button for annotations turn off if want its ad annotations that I cant remove I sorry I apologize if any boarders yt:stretch=16:9 that full screens videos&comment section are acting strange ha silly youtube ha