Hello, I'm Lucy and welcome to my YouTube Channel!
I was diagnosed with hemi-dystonia when I was 15 years-old. Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder that causes involuntary muscle contractions and spasms which more often than not tend to be really painful. I grew up in Guatemala City, Guatemala, the city of eternal spring, after my diagnosis I had to seek better medical treatment in the United States.
My goals with this channel is to help raise awareness and to help break the stigma that neurological disorders and diseases carry. I plan on incorporating health and wellness lifestyle videos as well as my everyday life incorporating my passion of makeup creation, and how I have essentially managed to live with Dystonia (also, please feel free to suggest any video ideas as well). I hope that I can help others with their own journey even if it's just by sharing their stories, for me it would have meant a lot when I first got diagnosed seeing other people living with Dystonia.