Classical, Brazilian, Jazz
I play in the Style of Francisco Tarrega(no nails on gut strings) It is a different sound; more rounded and mellow - it is quieter and not as brilliant as the nail and nylon technique of today - however, what it lacks in volume and brightness is made up with a rich tone capable of subtle nuances and an elasticity that contributes to a more personal and individualistic interpretation....echoing back to the salons of the 19th century
Classical, Brazilian, Jazz
I play in the Style of Francisco Tarrega(no nails on gut strings) It is a different sound; more rounded and mellow - it is quieter and not as brilliant as the nail and nylon technique of today - however, what it lacks in volume and brightness is made up with a rich tone capable of subtle nuances and an elasticity that contributes to a more personal and individualistic interpretation....echoing back to the salons of the 19th century