Enduro, Hard Enduro and a bit of Trials.
Riding bikes with my son 10y old Maciek
We both love Enduro, and practice every weekend or twice a week depends :)
My self started on enduro bike in May 2021, Maciek on late 2020 on Pit bike.
As far We had
Small bikes
Stomp minipit 65
2 x KX65
Big bikes
Ktm sxf 450
Husqa 310R RED
Husqa te 250
Husqa te300
Beta 50 sold
Beta 80 senior
We have nice Instagram page You can always pop in and visit us
Best places to practice enduro??
And few secret spots :)
Best Long cross MX track
We are always open to ride with others, send us DM on Instagram so we can catch up.