India Writes Network ( is a portal and e-magazine-journal that opens new windows into India’s global relationships and its emergence as an international player. The rise of India is an unfolding narrative and intermeshes dreams of over a billion people living in this country that blends the ancient and the modern with ease. India Writes, a private venture of TGII Media Private Limited, is focused on international affairs, the India Story and emerging powers. It provides value-added news articles, analyses and lively commentaries about this emerging country that is navigating its way to national resurgence and renewal.
India Writes, as the portal’s name suggests, seeks to rediscover India anew, and promote a vigorous debate on the idea of a new India conscious of its global destiny. Connect to India in all its multifarious glories and contradiction on What you think and say can shape the narrative of this perpetual work-in-progress that is India