Welcome! This channel presents the meditation and Dharma teachings of Upasaka Culadasa. culadasa.com
In his final days, Culadasa asked for three things: aside from his published book the Mind Illuminated, that his work be freely and equally available to all students; that he be given attribution when used; and that he have no single successor, but many.
The Creative Commons licenses allow the first two wishes to be accomplished. The most basic license (CC-BY) allows reuse building upon Culadasa's work, even commercially, as long as, credit is given to Culadasa for the original creation. For more information visit the creative commons website:
creativecommons.org/licenses. (CC-BY License descriptions)
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode. (CC-BY License)
Please use the work he has offered freely to further your practice, and the practice of others. All of Culadasa’s students are his successors.
The Yates family