This is Kami and Kyle's account. We are expierienced lvl 19 twinks. We have 8 twinks together. A pally, war, druid, priest, mage, lock, rogue and hunter. We will make our final twink soon. Together on all of our twinks we have killed 35,000+ alliance. We are in the realm Kargath in the guild called Infierno. We are officer there. We do 3 guild V guild matches weekly. We hope to get lots more pvp videos up and become very popular! Hope to see you in the gulch!
This is Kami and Kyle's account. We are expierienced lvl 19 twinks. We have 8 twinks together. A pally, war, druid, priest, mage, lock, rogue and hunter. We will make our final twink soon. Together on all of our twinks we have killed 35,000+ alliance. We are in the realm Kargath in the guild called Infierno. We are officer there. We do 3 guild V guild matches weekly. We hope to get lots more pvp videos up and become very popular! Hope to see you in the gulch!