Awake to the truth of the world. Not one of the sleeping masses. Question everything, and stay true in your faith to God. Don't conform.
Everyone is allowed to give their opinion. If you can't handle my opinions based on research I took the time to put in for, please grow a pair and move on -- you're speaking from a place of ignorance or anger. Read books.
If you're a troll, then you'll be dismissed without a second thought. If you're a kind person, you are shown respect. Pick which side of me you want. I can be very kind and supportive, or I can be no-nonsense.
People these days are coddled and handed validation on platters, yet they get away with so much because society has become over-saturated with enablers for narcissists and crybabies. You're going to hate me when you see I don't retract my opinions. I've been on YouTube since the early days, I've seen so many people come and go. God and country first. Unapologetically Christian in an increasingly demonic, narcissistic world.