Everything from multi-day wilderness backpacking to day hikes and overnight adventures. I also make outdoor gear reviews based on extensive testing and experiences from camping all year round. On many of my videos you'll also see my dog, Rokka the Alaskan Malamute, who has proven to be a great companion in the backcountry.
Channel milestones:
- 112 videos in Finnish during 2015-2020
- Taival Outdoors launched in April 2020
- 10,000 subscribers in July 2022
Everything from multi-day wilderness backpacking to day hikes and overnight adventures. I also make outdoor gear reviews based on extensive testing and experiences from camping all year round. On many of my videos you'll also see my dog, Rokka the Alaskan Malamute, who has proven to be a great companion in the backcountry.
Channel milestones:
- 112 videos in Finnish during 2015-2020
- Taival Outdoors launched in April 2020
- 10,000 subscribers in July 2022