Welcome to the Description, distant traveler.
I'm back, and here to post different content monthly.
Here are some things I used to make: Gacha, SBG and PJO edits, Piano Shorts
What I have been currently posting this December:
1. BSD
2. BSD
3. BSD
Trust me y'all, this is but a phase. Also, I'm jumping into the rabbit hole of anime editing.
This end of the year will mark open and closed doors. Choose one.
Here are BSD edits I have in my head 24/7:
• Chuuya • Osamu • Oda
If not BSD, here are other fandoms in mind:
1. PJO 2. SBG 3. TMI
Thank you very much for all who had spotted this channel, full of altering content, scheming through the vast majorities of stories.
And if not books and mangas, there's still an idea waiting to come true (prayers).
From angst to joy to music to love, there had been much support to linger about.
Here's to a year of fleeting dreams and distant stars.
Come and be a part of..
The 69 Pastel Cats.