湾区; 洛杉矶; 亚特兰大; 波士顿; 芝加哥; 达拉斯; 华盛顿; 休斯顿; 纽约; 费城; 西雅图; 多伦多; 温哥华; 拉斯维加斯. 达拉斯. 首页 · 攻略和指南 · 商城 · 活动 · 联系我们.
About US
Chihuo is the most influential Chinese foodie community in North America. We have over 1.6 million subscribers on social media with active participation through WeChat, Weibo, Facebook, Instagram, our website, and newsletters. Our coverage spans 15 cities in North America where we have set up local branches to help people find the best Chinese food in their area.
Chihuo Store: store.thechihuo.com