-History of AfricaGems-
I come by my love and appreciation of gemstones and jewelry honestly. It's in my blood. My father, Andrew Sarosi was a legendary gemstone dealer of 40+ years and jewelry designer, creator of exceptional gemstone jewelry . In college, I got BA degrees in geography and geological science with an emphasis in mineralogy. My first real job after college (1984) was as a geologist in Zambia, prospecting for Emeralds for Gems of Africa, a Zambian based gemstone firm.
I later bought the mining rights to a famous aquamarine mine which I actively mined for 5 years. See our mining videos. Talk about learning about things from the bottom up! I lived in Zambia and travelled throughout gem producing areas of Africa for the next 17 years, buying and selling gems. I realized early on the power of the Internet so I established AfricaGems.com in 1997 and operate it full time today with the help of my 3 wonderful assistants.