Hare Hara....🍃✨
|| Jai Shree Ram ||
Hare krishna Friends😄💖✨
_Information_ =
First Letter is G :- Generator
Second Letter is O :- Operator
Third Letter is D :- Destroyer
Generator - Brahma
Opertor - Vishnu
Destroyer - Bole Baba
this is the most important thing we want to learn..☺
Science says that there are 15-15 days of nights and days on the moon, Sanatan Dharma has been telling Shukla and Krishna Paksha for thousands of years...🚩🕉🥆✨
Jai Sanatani Dharm🙏🏻🕉📿🥆✨
|| भगवान से बड़ी चीज और कुछ नहीं दुनिया में....||🌍✨
Subscribe - @heart_sita_editor06
धन्यवाद आने केे लिए मेरे चैनल........🤗🙏🏻