- Great Predator Site -
***** A Young computer business Man + Writing " Movie - Reviews " FOR an " (Israeli NEWS Paper ) " ! ! ! - " a Massive / Huge Fan " Of " ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER (1987) - Flick " + Now " Rodriguez - Amazing (2010) " R " - " ( Rating ) - " PREDATORS " *****
* Rottentomatoes % Preds 2010's Page : www.rottentomatoes.com/m/10012256-predators/
* IMDB "Reviews" - www.imdb.com/title/tt1424381/usercomments?filter=l…
* The " (BOX Office MOJO) Preds (2010's ) " - " Page " :
- Important -STOP ! ! ! Watching This Movie ONLINE on The INTERNET , Just STOP !...........It's Bad and NOT Helping Predators (2010) at the "BOX OFFICE".
So.......... Just ..........STOP ! ! !
NOW Let's Make This Movie Reach " 100 Mil $$$ Domestic - (Only "USA" Box Office NUMBERS $$$ ) " - For " (FOX ) " - "Rodriguez + Tarantino" "(R)" - Rated " - (2012) - SEQUEL.........
* A Website To Order and Buy - Predator Toys , Costumes and Merchandise -
* "Best" - " (Tube , 2010's) " Preds Movie - " Review " - "Clips"
- " ( 3 ) " BEST ! ! ! Reviews In My Opinion :
1. youtube.com/watch?v=1zWYlTBRW2Y
2. youtube.com/watch?v=LRxfYP2MpZY
3. youtube.com/watch?v=gfjOEgO4r6I&feature=related
- Great Predator Site -
***** A Young computer business Man + Writing " Movie - Reviews " FOR an " (Israeli NEWS Paper ) " ! ! ! - " a Massive / Huge Fan " Of " ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER (1987) - Flick " + Now " Rodriguez - Amazing (2010) " R " - " ( Rating ) - " PREDATORS " *****
* Rottentomatoes % Preds 2010's Page : www.rottentomatoes.com/m/10012256-predators/
* IMDB "Reviews" - www.imdb.com/title/tt1424381/usercomments?filter=l…
* The " (BOX Office MOJO) Preds (2010's ) " - " Page " :
- Important -STOP ! ! ! Watching This Movie ONLINE on The INTERNET , Just STOP !...........It's Bad and NOT Helping Predators (2010) at the "BOX OFFICE".
So.......... Just ..........STOP ! ! !
NOW Let's Make This Movie Reach " 100 Mil $$$ Domestic - (Only "USA" Box Office NUMBERS $$$ ) " - For " (FOX ) " - "Rodriguez + Tarantino" "(R)" - Rated " - (2012) - SEQUEL.........
* A Website To Order and Buy - Predator Toys , Costumes and Merchandise -
* "Best" - " (Tube , 2010's) " Preds Movie - " Review " - "Clips"
- " ( 3 ) " BEST ! ! ! Reviews In My Opinion :
1. youtube.com/watch?v=1zWYlTBRW2Y
2. youtube.com/watch?v=LRxfYP2MpZY
3. youtube.com/watch?v=gfjOEgO4r6I&feature=related