#AutoMechanica Vikas is a place to discuss Mechanical & Automobile Educational Topics & Latest Technologies, Sales, Service, Maintenance, Diesel Engine, Petrol Engine, Hybrid Technologies, Electric Vehicle, Alternative Fuels and all the new & upcoming technologies, innovations & Skill developments.
#This platform is Created & operated by Dr. Vikas Kumar Sinha, having Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Waste Water Treatment Technologies with a work experience of more than 20 years in the diversified field like worked with Steel industries(In Tata Steel, Jsr), Iron ore Crushing and handling plants. Then after joined in academics and served as Associate Professor & Head of The Department, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Served as academic coordinator, Team member for the university accreditation for UGC & NAAC while working with a private university.
# Presently running his own Business of Car Repair & Service Station
# A Content Creator and Motivator.
#AutoMechanica Vikas is a place to discuss Mechanical & Automobile Educational Topics & Latest Technologies, Sales, Service, Maintenance, Diesel Engine, Petrol Engine, Hybrid Technologies, Electric Vehicle, Alternative Fuels and all the new & upcoming technologies, innovations & Skill developments.
#This platform is Created & operated by Dr. Vikas Kumar Sinha, having Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Waste Water Treatment Technologies with a work experience of more than 20 years in the diversified field like worked with Steel industries(In Tata Steel, Jsr), Iron ore Crushing and handling plants. Then after joined in academics and served as Associate Professor & Head of The Department, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Served as academic coordinator, Team member for the university accreditation for UGC & NAAC while working with a private university.
# Presently running his own Business of Car Repair & Service Station
# A Content Creator and Motivator.