CARDINAL NEWS videos cover public safety incidents involving FIRE RESCUE EMS agencies, municipal police departments, sheriff's police departments, utility companies; and some other interests. Each video is a mission to teach survival; risk reduction; reinforcement of good judgement; and accident, injury and illness prevention. Videos are also used for training for fire, rescue, paramedic and police personnel. CARDINAL NEWS TV (@Arlingtoncards) is the official YouTube Channel for CARDINAL NEWS
Select videos appear on Chicago TV news stations, including ABC 7 Chicago, CBS Chicago, Fox 32 Chicago News, NBC Chicago, WGN News, and Univision. Videos have also appeared on ABC's Good Morning America, Access Hollywood, CBS Evening News, and IDOT's Life or Death Illinois channel.
Cardinal News videos appear in court for evidence in civil personal injury and other liability lawsuits.
Utility videos appear in life-saving electricity safety training.