Reach4 higher ground. We have every thing to gain from our "Constitution" HR 3835 free humanity, look out for each other, protect the constitution! There is more to life at least the journey is much more than first experienced. Be better informed be the people creating Freedom.Throughout history the elite have manipulated those who are impoverished in wars as they get richer through war profits. Banks, elites. Please Indite Bush's Administration and those whom where once in his cabinet for Wars, Torture, WireTap and Inhuman conduct, the rewrite of our Constitution.
Banks=World War Crimes UN Charter 51.
The human race must pass the genocide period solution comes from respect, respect leads to peace. Imagine that we are much more than the sum of are atomic parts. We are all Sovereign, Free People. Look for "George Galloway" Cynthia Mckinney, ZEITGEIST, Ben from Ben&Jerry, families of 911 know the truth. Free Energy Free Yourself
Reach4 higher ground. We have every thing to gain from our "Constitution" HR 3835 free humanity, look out for each other, protect the constitution! There is more to life at least the journey is much more than first experienced. Be better informed be the people creating Freedom.Throughout history the elite have manipulated those who are impoverished in wars as they get richer through war profits. Banks, elites. Please Indite Bush's Administration and those whom where once in his cabinet for Wars, Torture, WireTap and Inhuman conduct, the rewrite of our Constitution.
Banks=World War Crimes UN Charter 51.
The human race must pass the genocide period solution comes from respect, respect leads to peace. Imagine that we are much more than the sum of are atomic parts. We are all Sovereign, Free People. Look for "George Galloway" Cynthia Mckinney, ZEITGEIST, Ben from Ben&Jerry, families of 911 know the truth. Free Energy Free Yourself