The world’s new original rock and roll band, Runaway Fire, is creating waves in the unisphere with vocal melodies and stylish guitar tones soaring through tube amps so beautiful they may just send a rip tide of audio large enough to shift the weather into a random rainstorm in the desert. Drummer Ian Shaw has created intuitive rhythms and grooves in this music that are incredible. The Keys are played by Marci Allen, a girl usually too pretty and classy to be playing rock and roll, but when she found out she was pregnant with a little boy she decided to join Santa’s naughty list and bring some amazing much needed beauty to the rock and roll sound and scene. The guitarist and vocalist, Mi'chael Wilson, has written a wide variety of music for all listeners to enjoy. Chancelor Taylor is the bass player chosen by the Gods because of his royal name and lineage! Some say he grants wishes with his incredible bass lines! The Universe smiles on this band!