Gaming channel for the most part, but also vblog and some humor stuff is under development. I do not lock myself toward one game or gametype as I only do this because I have fun and I like using my valuable free time having fun rather then as extra work. So you will see a huge variety from CRPG, RTS to even FPS.
My channels will be commercial free (if I can control it) My dream is to get enough views and subscribers that I can have someone to talk to when I make videos that share my gaming interest. So in short: I do it for the fame, not the money. My target audience are adults. I simply don't take any responsibility in raising your children.
I'm Norwegian, so some videos will be in Norwegian (usually live streaming videos), but I try to use English as my main language. I'm also 35+ years old, so I will also try to not act like a spoiled brat.
I only stream on YT as I want to grow and learn as Twitch deletes the videos after a while, while YT keeps them premanently.
Take care!