This channel is owned by Zombie Girl herself. All tracks are original content, except the few cover songs.
Zombie Girl (Renee Cooper) is a recording artist.
Zombie Girl is not a band.
Renee Cooper is Zombie Girl and is a performer, vocalist, original creator and co-creator, the face on albums, writer, author, lyricist, composer, copyright owner of the Zombie Girl music tracks, trademark etc.
Formed in 2005, Zombie Girl (Renee Cooper)is located in Canada.
Former producer and co-creator, Seb Komor went his own way in 2008.
Zombie Girl music is often described as electronic body music, with elements of rock 'n' roll.
Her albums include:
Back From The Dead
Blood Brains and Rock n Roll (2 versions)
Killer Queen (2 versions)
Panic Attack the EP
And included in approximately 100 compilations and guest appearances on other artists tracks.
You can contact Renee or Zombie Girl here:
This channel is owned by Zombie Girl herself. All tracks are original content, except the few cover songs.
Zombie Girl (Renee Cooper) is a recording artist.
Zombie Girl is not a band.
Renee Cooper is Zombie Girl and is a performer, vocalist, original creator and co-creator, the face on albums, writer, author, lyricist, composer, copyright owner of the Zombie Girl music tracks, trademark etc.
Formed in 2005, Zombie Girl (Renee Cooper)is located in Canada.
Former producer and co-creator, Seb Komor went his own way in 2008.
Zombie Girl music is often described as electronic body music, with elements of rock 'n' roll.
Her albums include:
Back From The Dead
Blood Brains and Rock n Roll (2 versions)
Killer Queen (2 versions)
Panic Attack the EP
And included in approximately 100 compilations and guest appearances on other artists tracks.
You can contact Renee or Zombie Girl here: