I like building pretty camps and killing things
Part of The Blackwater Bandits, best raiders in the wasteland, link to our channels below
ThOverboss- youtube.com/@therealpiffkit
TheQCGamer- youtube.com/@theqcgamer
Gurk76- youtube.com/@Gurk76
Ghostwrldz76 youtube.com/@GhostyWrldz
Mr_wonderful420 youtube.com/@Mr_Wonderful420
Relic youtube.com/@Its_Me_Relic
1RON MONK3Y youtube.com/@1ronmonk3y15
AmWeeYODA youtube.com/@AmWeeYODA
The Ragdoll Series youtube.com/@TheRagdollSeriesYT
The Wasteland Architect 76 youtube.com/@TheRagdollSeriesYT
SMAL731 youtube.com/@SMAL731YT/videos
The YouTube channel for my Facebook page