⚠️RULES⚠️ of this channel>>
What you SHOULD NOT do❌️
❌️DON'T ask for pins.
❌️STOP asking me for making more dragons.
❌️It's NONE of your business if i do smthng cringe.
❌️NO NEED to leave hate comments, i'll delete them anyway.
❌️Calling me furry = getting banned
What you should/can do✅️
✅️You can support a young artist.
✅️You can suggest video ideas.
✅️You can judge my dragons. (in a good way ofc)
✅️You can make fanart.
✅️You can show my hardwork to your other friends.
About me;
Im from Türkiye🇹🇷
Im 14 years old.
Im a ♀️ (female).
I love making dragons.
I dont post for likes or it doesnt matter how many subs i have, i post for fun.
Im a bit busy bc of exams which means i wont be that active.
I love my parrot.🦜
(I kinda have family/friend issues so, it'd be good if u be careful when talking)
📻You're much shorter in real life.📻
-Alastor the radio demon/hh