Hello, Welcome to Mountain Brook Farm - Rabbitry. As a child growing up in South Central MN my first rabbit and county fair project was a Black Dutch Doe. Now in my 50's living in NE Alabama and with the assistance of professionals in the Rabbit industry for selection of my herd; I'm enjoying my Adult hobby with pedigree Holland Lop's. Come along with me as I share with you my Zen Pet hobby and explore the many intrinsic traits, behaviors and management science of the rabbit.
At Mountain Brook Farm my best friend Jon and partner of many years has a small blueberry orchard, hot house, hoop house, fruit and vegetable garden nursery. Yup, I was able to justify my rabbitry for the cold source nitrogen rich manure they produce of which you can plant immediately in without composting it. I hope you enjoy :) www.mountainbrookfarm.org
So follow along as we share our Mountain Brook Farm projects and happenings.