Urdu is among the top major languages spoken in the world. The sweetness of Urdu keeps Urdu speakers living in different regions of the world together. We find the sweetness of Urdu language both in prose and poetry. There is tradition and modernity in both Urdu prose and poetry.
Just as Urdu has not abandoned tradition and has not only accepted but also adopted modernity, the audience will get a combination of modernity and tradition on the "Urdu Shanasi" channel. Through "Urdu Shanasi", you and I will not only try to get acquainted with Urdu prose and poetry, but also strengthen the connection with Urdu with each passing day.
If you listen/ speak Urdu and believe that listening to Urdu gives healing, then you should connect with "Urdu-Shanasi" and subscribe to my channel “Urdu Shanasi”.
.یہ آواز ان سماعتوں کی نذر کرتا ہوں جنہوں نے ہمیشہ اس آواز کے ہر لہجے کو سراہا اور سننا چاہا
سلیقے سے ہواؤں میں جو خوشبو گھول سکتے ہیں
ابھی کچھ لوگ باقی ہیں جو اردو بول سکتے ہیں