Our mission is to support the sustainable and responsible use of oxygenated and hydrocarbon solvents through dialogue, information sharing and solutions that address health, safety and environmental aspects.
- Establish a strong credibility with key audiences: regulators, opinion leaders including media and customers associations
- Foster an informed national debate about solvents.
- Support a positive perception of solvents within key audiences.
Maximise the effectiveness of industry contribution to developing legislation.
- Promote implementation of Responsible Care through the supply chain.
- Promote safety in the workplace and best practice in the use of solvents.
Our mission is to support the sustainable and responsible use of oxygenated and hydrocarbon solvents through dialogue, information sharing and solutions that address health, safety and environmental aspects.
- Establish a strong credibility with key audiences: regulators, opinion leaders including media and customers associations
- Foster an informed national debate about solvents.
- Support a positive perception of solvents within key audiences.
Maximise the effectiveness of industry contribution to developing legislation.
- Promote implementation of Responsible Care through the supply chain.
- Promote safety in the workplace and best practice in the use of solvents.