This is a throw back to when Jews would get up and talk about Jewish subjects. I feel that we re still just learning to use the internet and eventually, all Jews will have their own channel here to put their own words of Torah. The Torah is infinite and every Jew has a part in it. I look forward to seeing all your comments and I'll try to respond to them all. The point of this is honest dialogue between Jews. Consider this like a place of prayer and study. Enjoy your stay and stay open minded! Website I love include
I'm on facebook, so if you want, you can friend me. I'll say yes - Ronen Levi Yitzchak Segal. I believe all Jews are friends because we all have one father. If I offend you, please know it is not my intent. I just want the world to know what this one little Jew's opinion is on certain current issues. May G-d bless us all to eradicate war from our midst.