Follow along and learn to sing in harmony! There are many ways to harmonize the same song, and learning to sing in harmony requires practice. We hope that these examples can get you started.
Each video focuses on an excerpt of a popular song. The first half of each video is the original clip blended with the melody, and the second half splits the harmony line in the left ear and the original song in the right ear. Learn the melody first by listening to the original. Then learn the harmony line by listening to just the left ear. When you're ready, listen to both and sing along. Finally, test your knowledge by singing along to the original without help on the harmony.
Follow along and learn to sing in harmony! There are many ways to harmonize the same song, and learning to sing in harmony requires practice. We hope that these examples can get you started.
Each video focuses on an excerpt of a popular song. The first half of each video is the original clip blended with the melody, and the second half splits the harmony line in the left ear and the original song in the right ear. Learn the melody first by listening to the original. Then learn the harmony line by listening to just the left ear. When you're ready, listen to both and sing along. Finally, test your knowledge by singing along to the original without help on the harmony.