In 2023-2024 we were awarded "Most Empowering Think Tank and Publishing Company". Since our start in 2010 and official launch in January, 2023, The Neoliberal Round YouTube Channel has expanded, adding over 100 videos 200 audio and counting and more than 100 subscribers. The NeoLiberal Round Channel and Podcasts are Productions and part of the Media, Communications and Information Service of The NeoLiberal Corporation by Renaldo McKenzie. We're a think tank, digital Media, dynamic publishing, and IT company aimed at serving the world today to solve tomorrow's challenges by making popular what was the monopoly. We're interdisciplinary, concerning ourselves with global issues and problems, because life is about people and how they relate. Yet, life is what you make of it or allow others to make of it for you. Therefore, we will be bold, deliberate and intentional in our reflections on truths, which involves critical analysis.