2010年台大生傳系畢業;2011年 創辦「以紙,雕成。若涵」紙雕工作坊;代表作品《紙雕,台灣百景圖》;曾任臺北廣播電台《台北進行式》《#台北最正點》主持人、臺北監獄藝術講師
喜歡用雙腳、雙眼、雙手和一顆開放的心,捕捉台灣的溫暖與感動。 以最真實的故事,雕刻八零後女孩心中的「紙雕,台灣百景圖」。作品細膩刻畫人物表情、街道巷弄與生活樣貌,直觀地呈現腦海中對每一塊土地的想像與感受。 相信藝術長在生活裡,生活中不可或缺的是美,近年將紙雕帶進城市、走上街道,用光影與空間,點綴我們的家。實踐的路即使漫長,仍希望把台灣的美麗用藝術帶給全世界!
Jo-Han Cheng, Paper Sculptor
Founder of “Paper. Cut by Johan-Cheng” workshop
Representing Artwork: The Hundred Scenes of Taiwan
She uses her hands, her eyes, and her open heart to capture the warmest moments of Taiwan.She transforms the most authentic stories in her heart into the delicate paper sculpture – “ The Hundred Scenes of Taiwan”. This artwork is exquisite in its depiction of people’s expressions and the nooks and alleys in which their lives unfold. In the most unembellished fashion, she presented her most sincere feelings and imaginations for every inch of land that she walked.