At Downtown San Diego Chiropractor, Dr. Brian T. Garrett and Garrett Downtown Chiropractic - Our mission is to provide excellence in patient care through a collaboration with our patients. We pride ourselves on a reliance on evidence-based care, meaning we try to provide recommendations and treatment based on the best available scientific evidence.
We specialize in:
Applied Kinesiology
Auto Injury Rehab
Sports Medicine
Massage Therapy
Garrett Downtown Chiropractic
701 B Street #515, San Diego, CA
(619) 232-2225
At Downtown San Diego Chiropractor, Dr. Brian T. Garrett and Garrett Downtown Chiropractic - Our mission is to provide excellence in patient care through a collaboration with our patients. We pride ourselves on a reliance on evidence-based care, meaning we try to provide recommendations and treatment based on the best available scientific evidence.
We specialize in:
Applied Kinesiology
Auto Injury Rehab
Sports Medicine
Massage Therapy
Garrett Downtown Chiropractic
701 B Street #515, San Diego, CA
(619) 232-2225