We're the Jonas Family of Goat Milk Stuff and our channel shares our lives on our dairy goat farm in Southern Indiana.
Our days are full of hard work, lots of goat milk, great food, and baby goats! At Goat Milk Stuff, we raise both Nigerian Dwarf and Alpine dairy goats. The goat milk goes to feeding the babies and any extra is turned into incredible goat milk soap, cheese, gelato, caramel, fudge, and lots of goat milk stuff. We also have chickens, rabbits, Great Pyrenees dogs, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and multiple barn cats.
The family is made up of Jim (Dad), PJ (Mom), Brett (plus her husband Mason and 3 kids), Colter (and his wife Katie), Emery (and his wife Ashton), Fletcher, Greyden (and his wife Lani), Hewitt, Indigo, and Jade. We daily live out our motto - Work hard. Get dirty. Use good soap. We hope you enjoy our videos and leave us some comments on what you like and what you'd like to see more of!
Follow along as we navigate life on a dairy goat farm!