My name is Natalie but everyone calls me Nat chan.
I would have to say that at first I'm shy but once you get to know me I open up a lot. I draw Japanese anime and am very passionate about it, also I am the same about music. Cosplaying I absolutely LOVE doing. I love to sing as well. That is my life and I do very much enjoy it.
There is no death. That's the great message isn't it. We are all going to live forever. Just not in this world.
My name is Natalie but everyone calls me Nat chan.
I would have to say that at first I'm shy but once you get to know me I open up a lot. I draw Japanese anime and am very passionate about it, also I am the same about music. Cosplaying I absolutely LOVE doing. I love to sing as well. That is my life and I do very much enjoy it.
There is no death. That's the great message isn't it. We are all going to live forever. Just not in this world.