"Ash-hadu an-na La Ellaha Illa Allah wa an-na Muhammad Rasul Allah"
"I bear Witness that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Final Messenger"
Allah is the arabic word for God (please look it up in reliable sources if you doubt what I am saying)
Islam is a way of life & not only a religion. You do not pick and choose what suits your own desire. But instead one submit their will to God (Allah). By doing this one free themselves from the worldly desire. One knows that the life here on earth is but a short period of time. Therefore, one begins to focus on purifying their soul and coming closer to their creator the most High (ie Allah).
I'm a muslim alhamdulillah :)
I try my best to live my life according to the beautiful teachings of Islam.
"Ash-hadu an-na La Ellaha Illa Allah wa an-na Muhammad Rasul Allah"
"I bear Witness that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Final Messenger"
Allah is the arabic word for God (please look it up in reliable sources if you doubt what I am saying)
Islam is a way of life & not only a religion. You do not pick and choose what suits your own desire. But instead one submit their will to God (Allah). By doing this one free themselves from the worldly desire. One knows that the life here on earth is but a short period of time. Therefore, one begins to focus on purifying their soul and coming closer to their creator the most High (ie Allah).
I'm a muslim alhamdulillah :)
I try my best to live my life according to the beautiful teachings of Islam.