Lucia Ciobotaru is authorised CVT (Complete Vocal Technique) Vocal Coach. CVT is a pioneering and innovative approach, highly useful for anyone interested in the voice, professionals as wel as beginners. The techniques can be used in all styles of singing.
Lucia is living in the Netherlands where she is the owner of 5 musicschools, but she also spends a lot of time in Romania. In Romania she is the owner of Atelierul de Voce (together with Loredana Groza), located in Bucharest. But she can also be found at one of her partners, located in Pitesti, Iasi, Bacau, Ploiesti, Timisoara, Galati and Cluj.
She trained (and is constantly updating) a nice team of vocal coaches (my Vocal Team) that can bring a solution for all your wishes. If you are interested in vocal coaching / workshops / masterclasses, please contact our secretary in Romania (0749 328 596) or her manager in The Netherlands 0031 614400575. For vocal coaching / workshops at our partners
Lucia Ciobotaru is authorised CVT (Complete Vocal Technique) Vocal Coach. CVT is a pioneering and innovative approach, highly useful for anyone interested in the voice, professionals as wel as beginners. The techniques can be used in all styles of singing.
Lucia is living in the Netherlands where she is the owner of 5 musicschools, but she also spends a lot of time in Romania. In Romania she is the owner of Atelierul de Voce (together with Loredana Groza), located in Bucharest. But she can also be found at one of her partners, located in Pitesti, Iasi, Bacau, Ploiesti, Timisoara, Galati and Cluj.
She trained (and is constantly updating) a nice team of vocal coaches (my Vocal Team) that can bring a solution for all your wishes. If you are interested in vocal coaching / workshops / masterclasses, please contact our secretary in Romania (0749 328 596) or her manager in The Netherlands 0031 614400575. For vocal coaching / workshops at our partners