Stone Healer is a vessel for sonic intensity and soul-driven melody created by brothers Dave (guitar, bass, vocals) and Matt Kaminsky (drums). Formed in 2015 as a continuation of their work in Autolatry, Stone Healer’s sound has evolved beyond the limitations of regionally-specific progressive black metal into an undefinable blend of rock n roll inspired by Alice In Chains and Ulcerate-style complex dissonant death metal.
Stone Healer is a vessel for sonic intensity and soul-driven melody created by brothers Dave (guitar, bass, vocals) and Matt Kaminsky (drums). Formed in 2015 as a continuation of their work in Autolatry, Stone Healer’s sound has evolved beyond the limitations of regionally-specific progressive black metal into an undefinable blend of rock n roll inspired by Alice In Chains and Ulcerate-style complex dissonant death metal.