Scrying is a psychic practice that involves seeing things psychically in a medium, usually for purposes of obtaining spiritual visions and psychic prediction for purposes of divination or fortune-telling. The most common media used are reflective, translucent, or luminescent substances such as crystals, stones, glass, mirrors, water, Scrying is most commonly done with a crystal ball, it may also be performed using any smooth surface, such as a bowl of liquid, a pond, or a crystal.
Scrying is actively used by many cultures and belief systems and is not limited to one tradition or ideology. As of 2009, Ganzfeld experiments, a sensory deprivation experiment inspired by scrying, provides the best known experimental setting for detecting psi abilities in the laboratory.
Scrying is a psychic practice that involves seeing things psychically in a medium, usually for purposes of obtaining spiritual visions and psychic prediction for purposes of divination or fortune-telling. The most common media used are reflective, translucent, or luminescent substances such as crystals, stones, glass, mirrors, water, Scrying is most commonly done with a crystal ball, it may also be performed using any smooth surface, such as a bowl of liquid, a pond, or a crystal.
Scrying is actively used by many cultures and belief systems and is not limited to one tradition or ideology. As of 2009, Ganzfeld experiments, a sensory deprivation experiment inspired by scrying, provides the best known experimental setting for detecting psi abilities in the laboratory.