Everyday Learn Something New
This is where ambitious technology enthusiasts get their daily fodder of knowledge.My channel is all about teaching you to get a start on one/many/any of the technology skills which you always wanted to get your head into but couldnt find a starting point.I have tried to keep my videos as hands on and as precise as possible.Keeping it short simple has been the aim while preparing the videos.
I have covered topics like angularJS,android development,java.aws.mysql.mongo,linux etc until now and the kitty will keep on growing with content as the days pass - "Everyday Learn something new".
Each topic is under a specific playlist in my channel.Just hit the playlist of your interest and start off right away!!
Everyday Learn Something New
This is where ambitious technology enthusiasts get their daily fodder of knowledge.My channel is all about teaching you to get a start on one/many/any of the technology skills which you always wanted to get your head into but couldnt find a starting point.I have tried to keep my videos as hands on and as precise as possible.Keeping it short simple has been the aim while preparing the videos.
I have covered topics like angularJS,android development,java.aws.mysql.mongo,linux etc until now and the kitty will keep on growing with content as the days pass - "Everyday Learn something new".
Each topic is under a specific playlist in my channel.Just hit the playlist of your interest and start off right away!!