Old men of the first generation of supporters in the early days of the J-League
Sometimes they talk about football seriously!
That day
At that time
At that place
On that day, at that time, at that place, we met!
It was behind the goal!
It always starts behind the scenes!
There was also drama behind the goal to support the players on the front stage.
An over 50 year old man
With a dream on his mind
I'm posting this on YouTube.
In 2021, the upheaval that will shake the world will continue.
But it will be a year of paradigm shifts!
And one day, FUG will suddenly have a buzz moment!
You will be witnesses to it!
Time has passed
Memories have faded, but
But I believe that the spirit
I believe that the spirit has been passed down from generation to generation.
I am old, but
To create something new
I created this channel in the hope that I can help create something new.
I've made this channel!
Old men of the first generation of supporters in the early days of the J-League
Sometimes they talk about football seriously!
That day
At that time
At that place
On that day, at that time, at that place, we met!
It was behind the goal!
It always starts behind the scenes!
There was also drama behind the goal to support the players on the front stage.
An over 50 year old man
With a dream on his mind
I'm posting this on YouTube.
In 2021, the upheaval that will shake the world will continue.
But it will be a year of paradigm shifts!
And one day, FUG will suddenly have a buzz moment!
You will be witnesses to it!
Time has passed
Memories have faded, but
But I believe that the spirit
I believe that the spirit has been passed down from generation to generation.
I am old, but
To create something new
I created this channel in the hope that I can help create something new.
I've made this channel!