Hello guys ✋ ✋
I'm Binh, founder of Youtube channel: ⭐BINH ASMR.
If you have Facebook accounts, please join my group called "loveasmr". I hope this will be a forum for the ones who love asmr discussing with each other. Also, I want to watch ASMR videos of yours from all over the world.Thank you very much 😊😊😊
JOIN HERE 👉 www.facebook.com/groups/loveasmr/
❤ Don't forget to: LIKE, COMMENT and *SUBSCRIBE *
youtube.com/c/BINHASMR For more videos :)))
👉 FB : www.facebook.com/groups/loveasmr/
👉 YT : www.facebook.com/BinhMpros
👉 Email : mprosmedia@gmail.com