Roots of Fire is a documentary film and digital series that explores Louisiana French Music as it pushes into the future. The film will spotlight breakout artists who are creating music rooted in Louisiana French, as they navigate the fine line between cultural heritage and artistic progression. The digital series will broaden out and feature vignettes with a variety of artists, including established stars in Cajun and Zydeco, behind-the-scenes videos, and featurettes on related topics.
Roots of Fire is a documentary film and digital series that explores Louisiana French Music as it pushes into the future. The film will spotlight breakout artists who are creating music rooted in Louisiana French, as they navigate the fine line between cultural heritage and artistic progression. The digital series will broaden out and feature vignettes with a variety of artists, including established stars in Cajun and Zydeco, behind-the-scenes videos, and featurettes on related topics.