Like Me, Like a Joker - The Villains Web series is a fan series about the Batman universe, created by Bruno Mirabella and produced by Burattini senza Fili Production. Joker in the future wants to blow up the whole of Gotham City, as the minutes on the bomb timer tick by he decides to tell us his version of the story in which heroes and villains are all insane. His tale spans three timelines: past, present, and future of Gotham City.
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Like Me, Like a Joker - The Villains Web series is a fan series about the Batman universe, created by Bruno Mirabella and produced by Burattini senza Fili Production. Joker in the future wants to blow up the whole of Gotham City, as the minutes on the bomb timer tick by he decides to tell us his version of the story in which heroes and villains are all insane. His tale spans three timelines: past, present, and future of Gotham City.
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