AIMS IT provides basic and advanced level computer, internet, technology related education for free, you can ask question about your problems, request for a video, you can visit, website and read articles, on website you can fill request form, contact form, or ask question on discussion page, I and Our team response quickly and you can also Sharin your knowledge or experience on discussion page. You may ask questions and difficulties about your acadamic qualifications free Counseling facility will provided.
AIMSIT goals to make young people from under-served communities employable and to connect them with reputable companies in the organized sector in this aim serves two purposes: to increase employment prospects for the disadvantaged and to provide industry with skilled workers necessary to further economic development.
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AIMS IT provides basic and advanced level computer, internet, technology related education for free, you can ask question about your problems, request for a video, you can visit, website and read articles, on website you can fill request form, contact form, or ask question on discussion page, I and Our team response quickly and you can also Sharin your knowledge or experience on discussion page. You may ask questions and difficulties about your acadamic qualifications free Counseling facility will provided.
AIMSIT goals to make young people from under-served communities employable and to connect them with reputable companies in the organized sector in this aim serves two purposes: to increase employment prospects for the disadvantaged and to provide industry with skilled workers necessary to further economic development.
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