Garden Tour (formerly: Garden Tour // Auf Tour im Garten)
We found a garden in Berlin. Now we try to create a little paradise for birds, bees, hedgehogs and butterflies and we want to plant as much as we can to be self sufficient. We're doing everything on a budget. We're still trying to save some money to get better equipment. It would be nice to get some close ups with a better camera and a microphone that blocks the noise from the street.
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In unserem Garten in Berlin wollen wir als Selbstversorger möglichst viel anbauen und mitten in der Stadt ein Paradies fĂŒr Vögel, Igel, Schmetterlinge und Hummeln schaffen.
#permakultur #permaculture #Selbstversorgung #cottagegarden #UrbanGardening #FoodForest
#Kleingarten #allotment #fedge #containergarden
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