1 goal for now: 500 subs and the first live with you.
Sunday is for English video games.
××× ×¤×¢× ×××× ×Ø×××¢× ×××¢×× ×ש×ק×× ××¢××Ø××Ŗ.
Hello everyone, ש××× ×××××.
My channel will focus on old games and less on new ones.
I'm playing for fun and show you my tries,
If you want to see me play game, you can talk to me in community or send me a mail and I'll try to play your game.
××¢×Ø×ׄ ש×× ××Ŗ××§× ××¢×ק×Ø ××ש×ק×× ××©× ×× ×פ×××Ŗ ×××ש××.
×ש×ק ×ש××× ××××£ ×××¢×× ××Ŗ ×× ××”××× ××Ŗ ש××.
×× ×Ŗ×Ø×¦× ××Ø×××Ŗ ×ש×ק ××”××× ××Ŗ× ××××× ×× ××××× ×ק×××× ×× ×ש××× ×××× ××× × ×× ×”× ×ש×ק ××××¢×××Ŗ ×××Ŗ×.
1 goal for now: 500 subs and the first live with you.
Sunday is for English video games.
××× ×¤×¢× ×××× ×Ø×××¢× ×××¢×× ×ש×ק×× ××¢××Ø××Ŗ.
Hello everyone, ש××× ×××××.
My channel will focus on old games and less on new ones.
I'm playing for fun and show you my tries,
If you want to see me play game, you can talk to me in community or send me a mail and I'll try to play your game.
××¢×Ø×ׄ ש×× ××Ŗ××§× ××¢×ק×Ø ××ש×ק×× ××©× ×× ×פ×××Ŗ ×××ש××.
×ש×ק ×ש××× ××××£ ×××¢×× ××Ŗ ×× ××”××× ××Ŗ ש××.
×× ×Ŗ×Ø×¦× ××Ø×××Ŗ ×ש×ק ××”××× ××Ŗ× ××××× ×× ××××× ×ק×××× ×× ×ש××× ×××× ××× × ×× ×”× ×ש×ק ××××¢×××Ŗ ×××Ŗ×.