Renowned acoustic chamber-folk trio The String Contingent have developed their sound over four albums in five years, to reach ‘...the upper echelon of instrumental exploration, arrangement, composition and performance...’ (Tony Hillier, Rhythms Magazine). Their music “...brings to mind the bluegrass records of Yo-Yo Ma and Edgar Meyer. Early Scottish influences are also found, but strongest is an art-music influence with elements of Bach, Kronos Quartet and sometimes a splash of Philip Glass...they are incredibly skilled...” (Ulf Torstensson, Lira Magazine). Chris, Holly and Graham combine their diverse musical backgrounds in celtic, classical, jazz and pop into melodic, evocative, exciting and poignant musical discussions or ‘trialogues’. In their live show, musical precision, refinement and beauty are balanced with viscera energy and drive, making for performances that speak directly to the heart and captivate the mind.