Official Emmanuel YouTube Page
We are a caring family church that connects people with the love of Jesus.
We believe that church is more than just a Sunday service.
We are family, and there is a place here in this home for everyone.
Our desire is to see people encounter Jesus and be transformed by the love and reality of Christ. Our family is where we find a sanctuary for God’s peace, love, joy, grace and purpose.
Visit us at one of our services:
English Service - Sundays, 10.30am
Chinese Service - Sundays, 9.00am
Filipino Service - Sundays, 11.45am
Indonesian Service - Sundays, 1.30pm
Malayalam Service - Sundays, 2.30pm
Children’s Ministry - Sundays, 10.30am
Generation of Promise - Saturdays, 3.30pm
Campus Ministry - Sundays, 3.30pm
Evergreen Ministry - Thursdays, 10.00am
Golden Emmanuel Ministry - 3rd Sat of each month, 2.30pm
Or you can check out our other campus at: