Welcome to Çilingir Sofrası, a set of intimate conversations accompanied to beautiful Sufi music and singing. These ‘sohbets’ serve as keys to open hearts and to receive from the Sacred Spirit (Ruh-al Kudus), It is a table inspired by the ‘Last Supper’.
Çilingir Sofrası is led by beloved Metin Bobaroğlu accompanied by two of his close friends, Metin Bobaroglu takes us from the past to the future, from deep roots to the bluest of skies. He sets up a beautiful, nourishing table for us, where we meet many spiritual teachers, gnostics from the past and present, including Plato, Socrates, Pir Sultan Abdal, Rumi and Lao Tzu. He shows us how the deep mystical traditions are like artesians that erupt in different locations, yet bring us a similar message, of tevhid. The conversations refer to and draw from many traditions, including the deep knowledge of ancient Egypt, Ibn Arabi’s teachings and the Vedanta philosophy.Thus, the secrets of ‘tevhid’ are brought to our modern times.