Our channel is called Bolon Tattaboli. This channel broadcasts Bolon Kanji's spiritual discussions and spiritual lyric poems. And those are called by the following names. For example Bolon theories, Bolon theory, Bolon family, Bolon,s philosophy, Bolon introspection, Bolon theology, Bolon mystical aphorism, Bolon mystic sayings, Bolon organisation, Bolon sayings, Bolon music, Bolon song, Bolon Kanji's song, Bolon spiritual songs, Lord family, Lord philosophy, Spiritual songs, Bolon Murshid Marfati and Fakiri Gaan etc. They are also called Music, Baul ongsongs, Baul gaan, Popular Baul Songs, New songs, New Baul songs, Entertainment, Science and Technology etc.
The channel also serves philosophical discussions, scientific discussions, Murshid songs, Marifati songs and Fakiri songs. This channel is run by the followers of Mahadhiman Bolon Kaiji.